Georgia College - Directed by Erden Mohl
Costumes by Cathleen O'Neal  -  Lighting Design by Beate Czogalla
About the Design
I was fortunate to get to work with an excellent student director as part of her senior capstone. We both were potterheads and the collaboration went really smoothly. The concept of the set is based on backstage. All the walls have a sense of being flipped around and the audience is left wondering if they are seeing the backstage world of a certain wizard school in England.
Much of the trick of Puffs is providing for the variety of entrances, exits and other tricks that the play call for. To that end we needed the small black box space to accommodate at least 6 entrances -- with the final design providing 12 separate entrances. It was an excellent performance and the set served the perfect purpose of the production.
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